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Тёмный карнавал (Dark Carnival), 1947

Автор(ы):Рэй Брэдбери

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Первый сборник рассказов представляет нам очень «чернушного» Брэдбери, ведь именно такими рассказами у него лучше всего получалось зарабатывать на жизнь, будучи ещё безызывестным писателем. Фантазии его смелы и чертовски интересны, чувствуется влияние Эдгара По, а рассказы Брэдбери, в свою очередь, повлияли на Стивена Кинга. Здесь же впервые появляются дядюшка Эйнар и «Странница» Сеси, и это, безусловно, шедевры.

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Рэй Брэдбери

Тёмный карнавал (Dark Carnival), 1947

. «The Homecoming» 1946

"Here they come," said Cecy, lying there flat in her bed.

"Where are they?" cried Timothy from the doorway.

"Some of them are over Europe, some over Asia, some of them over the Islands, some over South America!" said Cecy, her eyes closed, the lashes long, brown, and quivering.

Timothy came forward upon the bare plankings of the upstairs room. "Who are they?"

"Uncle Einar and Uncle Fry, and there's Cousin William, and I see Frulda and Helgar and Aunt Morgiana and Cousin Vivian, and I see Uncle Johann! They're all coming fast!"

"Are they up in the sky?" cried Timothy, his little gray eyes flashing. Standing by the bed, he looked no more than his fourteen years. The wind blew outside, the house was dark and lit only by starlight.

"They're coming through the air and traveling along the ground, in many forms," said Cecy, in her sleeping. She did not move on the bed; she thought inward on herself and told what she saw. "I see a wolflike thing coming over a dark river – at the shallows – just above a waterfall, the starlight shining up his pelt. I see a brown oak leaf blowing far up in the sky. I see a small bat flying. I see many other things, running through the forest trees and slipping through the highest branches; and they're all coming this way!"

"Will they be here by tomorrow night?" Timothy clutched the bedclothes. The spider on his lapel swung like a black pendulum, excitedly dancing. He leaned over his sister. "Will they all be here in time for the Homecoming?"

"Yes, yes, Timothy, yes," sighed Cecy. She stiffened. "Ask no more of me. Go away now. Let me travel in the places I like best."

"Thanks, Cecy," he said. Out in the hall, he ran to his room. He hurriedly made his bed. He had just awakened a few minutes ago, at sunset, and as the first stars had risen, he had gone to let his excitement about the party run with Cecy. Now she slept so quietly there was not a sound. The spider hung on a silvery lasso about Timothy's slender neck as he washed his face. "Just think, Spid, tomorrow night is Allhallows Eve!"

He lifted his face and looked into the mirror. His was the only mirror allowed in the house. It was his mother's concession to his illness. Oh, if only he were not so afflicted! He opened his mouth, surveyed the poor, inadequate teeth nature had given him. No more than so many corn kernels – round, soft and pale in his jaws. Some of the high spirit died in him.

It was now totally dark and he lit a candle to see by. He felt exhausted. This past week the whole family had lived in the fashion of the old country. Sleeping by day, rousing at sunset to move about. There were blue hollows under his eyes. "Spid, I'm no good," he said, quietly, to the little creature. "I can't even get used to sleeping days like the others."

He took up the candleholder. Oh, to have strong teeth, with incisors like steel spikes. Or strong hands, even, or a strong mind. Even to have the power to send one's mind out, free, as Cecy did. But, no, he was the imperfect one, the sick one. He was even – he shivered and drew the candle flame closer afraid of the dark. His brothers snorted at him. Bion and Leonard and Sam. They laughed at him because he slept in a bed. With Cecy it was different; her bed was part of her comfort for the composure necessary to send her mind abroad to hunt. But Timothy, did he sleep in the wonderful polished boxes like the others'? He did not! Mother let him have his own bed, his own room, his own mirror. No wonder the family skirted him like a holy man's crucifix. If only the wings would sprout from his shoulder blades. He bared his back, stared at it. And sighed again. No chance. Never.

Downstairs were exciting and mysterious sounds, the slithering black crape going up in all the halls and on the ceilings and doors. The sputter of burning black tapers in the banistered stair well. Mother's voice, high and firm. Father's voice, echoing from the damp cellar. Bion walking from outside the old country house lugging vast two-gallon jugs.

"I've just got to go to the party, Spid," said Timothy. The spider whirled at the end of its silk, and Timothy felt alone. He would polish cases, fetch toadstools and spiders, hang crape, but when the party started he'd be ignored. The less seen or said of the imperfect son the better.

All through the house below, Laura ran.

"The Homecoming!" she shouted gaily. "The Homecoming!" Her footsteps everywhere at once.

Timothy passed Cecy's room again, and she was sleeping quietly. Once a month she went belowstairs. Always she stayed in bed. Lovely Cecy. He felt like asking her, "Where are you now, Cecy? And in who? And what's happening? Are you beyond the hills? And what goes on there?" But he went on to Ellen's room instead.

Ellen sat at her desk, sorting out many kinds of blond, red and black hair and little scimitars of fingernail gathered from her manicurist job at the Mellin Village beauty parlor fifteen miles over. A sturdy mahogany case lay in one corner with her name on it.

"Go away," she said, not even looking at him. "I can't work with you gawking."

"Allhallows Eve, Ellen; just think!" he said, trying to be friendly.

"Hunh!" She put some fingernail clippings in a small white sack, labeled them. "What can it mean to you? What do you know of it? It'll scare the hell out of you. Go back to bed."

His cheeks burned. "I'm needed to polish and work and help serve."

"If you don't go, you'll find a dozen raw oysters in your bed tomorrow," said Ellen, matter-of-factly. "Good-by, Timothy."

In his anger, rushing downstairs, he bumped into Laura.

"Watch where you're going!" she shrieked from clenched teeth.

She swept away. He ran to the open cellar door, smelled the channel of moist earthy air rising from below. "Father?"

"It's about time," Father shouted up the steps. "Hurry down, or they'll be here before we're ready!"

Timothy hesitated only long enough to hear the million other sounds in the house. Brothers came and went like trains in a station, talking and arguing. If you stood in one spot long enough the entire household passed with their pale hands full of things. Leonard with his little black medical case, Samuel with his large, dusty ebony-bound book under his arm, bearing more black crape, and Bion excursioning to the car outside and bringing in many more gallons of liquid.

Father stopped polishing to give Timothy a rag and a scowl. He thumped the huge mahogany box. "Come on, shine this up, so we can start on another. Sleep your life away."

While waxing the surface. Timothy looked inside.

"Uncle Einar's a big man, isn't he, Papa?"


"How big is he?"

"The size of the box'll tell you."

"I was only asking. Seven feet tall?"

"You talk a lot."

About nine o'clock Timothy went out into the October weather. For two hours in the now-warm, now-cold wind he walked the meadows collecting toadstools and spiders. His heart began to beat with anticipation again. How many relatives had Mother said would come? Seventy? One hundred? He passed a farmhouse. If only you knew what was happening at our house, he said to the glowing windows. He climbed a hill and looked at the town, miles away, settling into sleep, the townhall clock high and round white in the distance. The town did not know, either. He brought home many jars of toadstools and spiders.

In the little chapel belowstairs a brief ceremony was celebrated. It was like all the other rituals over the years, with Father chanting the dark lines, mother's beautiful white ivory hands moving in the reverse blessings, and all the children gathered except Cecy, who lay upstairs in bed. But Cecy was present. You saw her peering, .now from Bion's eyes, now Samuel's, now Mother's, and you felt a movement and now she was in you, fleetingly and gone.

Timothy prayed to the Dark One with a tightened stomach. "Please, please, help me grow up, help me be like my sisters and brothers. Don't let me be different. If only I could put the hair in the plastic images as Ellen does, or make people fall in love with me as Laura does with people, or read strange books as Sam does, or work in a respected job like Leonard and Bion do. Or even raise a family one day, as mother and father have done…."

At midnight a storm hammered the house. Lightning struck outside in amazing, snow-white bolts. There was a sound of an approaching, probing, sucking tornado, funneling and nuzzling the moist night earth. Then the front door, blasted half off its hinges, hung stiff and discarded, and in trooped Grandmama and Grandpapa, all the way from the old country!

From then on people arrived each hour. There was a flutter at the side window, a rap on the front porch, a knock at the back. There were fey noises from the cellar, autumn wind piped down the chimney throat, chanting. Mother filled the large crystal punch bowl with a scarlet fluid poured tram the jugs Bion had carried home. Father swept from room to room lighting more tapers. Laura and Ellen hammered up more wolfsbane. And Timothy stood amidst this wild excitement, no expression to his face, his hands trembling at his sides, gazing now here, now there. Banging or doors, laughter, the sound of liquid pouring, darkness, sound or wind, the webbed thunder of wings, the padding of feet, the welcoming bursts of talk at the entrances, the transparent rattlings of casements, the shadows passing, coming, going, wavering.

"Well, well, and this must be Timothy!"


A chilly hand took his hand. A long hairy face leaned down over him. "A good lad, a fine lad," said the stranger.

Книгу Рэй Брэдбери Тёмный карнавал (Dark Carnival), 1947 скачать бесплатно,

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Апрельское колдовство
Большой пожар
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Большая игра между черными и белыми
Будет ласковый дождь...
Чертово колесо
Бархатный сезон
Быть может, мы уже уходим...
Человек в воздухе
Прощай, «Лафайет»!
Мир-Земле (сборник)
Из праха восставшие
Библиотека современной фантастики. Том 3. Рэй Брэдбери
Темный карнавал
О скитаньях вечных и о Земле
Пропавший марсианский город
Ночное путешествие в Восточном экспрессе
Утопии опасны (Интервью с Рэем Брэдбери)
Солнце и тень
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Удивительная кончина Дадли Стоуна
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тастики. Выпуск 21
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Из праха восставшие
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Приезжайте вместе с Констанс!
В июне, в тёмный час ночной
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The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit
The Pedestrian
Long After Midnight
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The October Game
The Man Upstairs
The Messiah
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The Cistern
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Interim (Time Intervening)
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The Rocket Man
Quicker Than The Eye
The Electrocution
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Afterword: Make Haste To Live
The Rocket
The Miracles of Jamie
The Flying Machine
The Dragon
The Fox and the Forest
The Very Gentle Murders
The Finnegan
The Fog Horn
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Last Rites
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The Wind
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Tomorrow's Child
he Day it Rained Forever
Free Dirt
The Ghost in the Machine
The Scythe
Heart Transplant
Perchance to Dream (Asleep in Armageddon)
The Emissary
Dark They were, And Golden Eyed (The Naming of Names)
Touched with Fire
The Wilderness
The Next in Line
A Scent of Sarsaparilla
The Smile
G.B.S. - Mark V
The Other Highway
Remember Sascha?
The Wonderful Death of Dudley Stone
Marionettes, Inc.
Hail and Farewell
In a Season of Calm Weather
Invisible Boy
The Pumpernickel
I See You Never
The Small Assassin
The Murderer
Darling Adolf
That Woman on the Lawn
Tyrannosaurus Rex
The Dog in the Red Bandana
The Garbage Collector
Unterderseaboat Doktor
A Sound of Thunder
The Veldt
The Exiles
The Witch Door
The Town Where No One Got Off
No News, or What Killed the Dog?
The Jar
The Dwarf
At the End of the Ninth Year
Once More, Legato
The Homecoming
Fever Dream
The End of the Beginning
Another Fine Mess
First Day
The Golden Kite, The Silver Wind
There Was an Old Woman
Here There Be Tygers
The Golden Apples of the Sun
Death and the Maiden
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Надгробный камень
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Гроб (Поминки по живым)
Надгробный камень
Поиграем в «Отраву»
Когда семейство улыбается
Жила-была старушка
Дядюшка Эйнар
Кладбище для безумцев
Лучезарный Феникс
Ветер из Геттисберга
Лорел и Гарди: роман
Предисловие к сборнику «Сто лучших рассказов»
Октябрьская страна
Октябрьская страна
Знали, чего хотят
Золотой змей, серебряный ветер
Рэй Брэдбери (Том 2-й дополнительный)
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Курсанты Академии
Они появляются в полночь
Искатель. 1966. Выпуск №2
Диковинное диво
Икар Монгольфье Райт
Город, в котором никто не выходит
Чудесный костюм цвета сливочного мороженого
...И времени побег
Лорелея красной мглы
Генрих девятый
Как умерла Рябушинская
Дж. Б. Ш., модель 5
Холодный ветер, теплый ветер
Город мертвых
Как моряк возвращается с моря
И новизной они гонимы
К чикагской впадине
И не было ни ночи, ни рассвета...
Я никогда вас не увижу
Фрукты с самого дна вазы
Мир “Искателя” (сборник)
Искатель. 1966. Выпуск №2
Искатель. 1966. Выпуск №2
Кладбище для безумцев
НФ: Альманах научной фантастики. Операция на совести
Компьютер по имени Джо (Сборник)
Марсіанська хроніка
САДОК ДЛЯ РЕПТИЛИЙ Часть I (Двухтомник англо-американской фантастики)
ЧУЖАЯ АГОНИЯ Сборник научно-фантастических рассказов
Орудия радости
Мотель вещей курицы
Научный подход
И грянул гром… (Том 4-й дополнительный)
Последний король
Всего лишь лихорадочный бред
Электрическое тело пою!
Всё лето в один день
Тот, кто ждёт
Земляничное окошко
Октябрьская игра
Мгновение в лучах солнца
Запах сарсапарели
Нечто необозначенное
Морская раковина
Капелька нетерпимости
Антология сказочной фантастики
Восточным экспрессом на север
Путешествие во времени
Лаз в потолке
ФАТА-МОРГАНА 7 (Фантастические рассказы и повести)
ФАТА-МОРГАНА 4 (Фантастические рассказы и повести)
САДОК ДЛЯ РЕПТИЛИЙ Часть I (Двухтомник англо-американской фантастики)
ФАТА-МОРГАНА 6 (Фантастические рассказы)
ФАТА-МОРГАНА 5 (Фантастические рассказы и повести)
Вирус бессмертия (сборник)
Кричащая женщина
Крик женщины
Куколка (2)
Когда семейство улыбается
Лучшее из времён
Конец начальной поры
Огромный-огромный мир где-то там
Огненный столп
Идеальное убийство
Искатель. 1961-1991. Антология
Искатель. 1965. Выпуск №2
Вино из одуванчиков (сборник)
Яго пумпернiкель (на белорусском языке)
Убить полюбовно
Время, вот твой полет
Пришло время дождей
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Синяя бутылка
Здравствуй и прощай
Ночь семьи
Последний король
Нескончаемый дождь
Апрельское колдовство
Чикагская бездна
Крик женщины
Бархатный сезон
Нiчога новага, альбо Што забiла сабаку (на белорусском языке)
Первая любовь
Маленький убийца
Марсианский затерянный город
Семейный алтарь
Мгновение в лучах солнца
Огромный-огромный мир где-то там
Берег на закате
В ночи
Научный подход
Путешествие во времени
Песочный человек
Октябрьская игра
Лучшее из времён
Выпить сразу - против безумия толп
Наказание без вины (вариант перевода)
Будет ласковый дождь
Дядюшка Эйнар
Мотель Вещей Курицы
Зелёные тени, белый кит
Жила-была старушка
Холодный ветер, теплый ветер
О скитаньях вечных и о земле
Может быть, мы уже уходим
Рубашка с тестами Роршаха
Чудесный костюм цвета сливочного мороженого
Город мертвых
Быть может, мы уже уходим
Фрукты с самого дна вазы
Око за око
Они были смуглые и золотоглазые
В дни вечной весны
Секрет мудрости
Кричащая женщина
Конец начальной поры
Сахарный череп
Вино из одуванчиков
Чудеса и диковины ! Передай дальше !
Зеленое утро
Удивительная кончина Дадли Стоуна
Прикосновение пламени
Смерть и дева
Воронья стая
Большой пожар
Смерть - дело одинокое
Диковинное диво
Когда семейство улыбается
Запах сарсапарели
День поминовения усопших
Золотой змей, серебряный ветер
Разговор оплачен заранее
Пра вандроўкi вечныя i пра Зямлю (на белорусском языке)
Орудия радости
Всё лето в один день
Час Привидений
Р - значит ракета
Отпрыск Макгиллахи
Призраки нового замка
Высшее из блаженств
Солнце и тень
Сойди ко мне в подвал
Уснувший в Армагеддоне
Почти конец света
Дж Б Ш, модель 5
Обратно в будущее
Всего лишь лихорадочный бред
Нечто необозначенное
Урочный час
Земляничное окошко
Ветер из Геттисберга
И времени побег
Огненные шары
Электрическое тело пою !
Чертово колесо
Идеальное убийство
Капелька нетерпимости
Морская раковина
Улыбающееся семейство
И все-таки наш
Лучезарный Феникс
Кавалак дрэва (на белорусском языке)
Как моряк возвращается с моря
Знали, чего хотят
En La Noche
Город, в котором никто не выходит
Рассказ о любви
Здесь водятся тигры
Тот, кто ждет
Спринт до начала гимна
К чикагской впадине
Лазарь, восстань !
Икар Монгольфье Райт
Дело жизни Хуана Диаса
Марионетт Инкорпорейтид
Самое прекрасное время
Погожий день
Жилец из верхней квартиры
Генрих девятый
И камни заговорили
Человек в воздухе
Большая игра между черными и белыми
И новизной они гонимы
Первая ночь великого поста
И грянул гром
Попугай, который знал Папу
Поиграем в 'Отраву'
Корпорация 'Марионетки'
Спустись в мой подвал
День поминовения
Как умерла Рябушинская
Сладкий дар
Утопии опасны (Интервью с Рэем Брэдбери)
Попрыгунчик в шкатулке
Огненный столп
Я никогда вас не увижу
В штиль
Были они смуглые и золотоглазые
И не было ни ночи, ни рассвета
Завтра конец света
Золотые яблоки Солнца
Машина до Килиманджаро
САДОК ДЛЯ РЕПТИЛИЙ Часть I (Двухтомник англо-американской фантастики)
Библиотека фантастики и путешествий в пяти томах. Том 2
ФАТА-МОРГАНА 4 (Фантастические рассказы и повести)
И грянул гром… (Том 4-й дополнительный)
ФАТА-МОРГАНА 2 (Фантастические рассказы и повести)
Машина до Килиманджаро
И камни заговорили
Попугай, который знал Папу
Рубашка с тестами Роршаха
Сахарный череп
Самое прекрасное время
Человек в картинках (рассказ)
Корпорация «Марионетки»
Поиграем в «Отраву»
Жилец из верхней комнаты
То ли ночь, то ли утро
На большой дороге
Другие времена
НФ: Альманах научной фантастики. Выпуск 26 (1982)
НФ: Альманах научной фантастики. Выпуск 26
Крылья ночи (сборник)
Продается планета (сборник)
Безработный робот (сборник)
авторов книг